Serving Opportunities
Nursery Worker
We are in need of a nursery worker who can tend to children between the ages of 0 and 2. If you are interested, please contact Liz or Pastor Stacy. Workers must pass a background check.
Worship Team
Want to join our worship team? Let Pastor Stacy know and we will find a spot for you!
Hospitality Team
Do you love to serve others? Love to host parties or events? Love baking yummy goodies? Then join AHC's Hospitality Team!
Prayer Team
Would you be willing to pray for others and intercede to The Father on their behalf? Consider joining AHC's Prayer Team!
The Compass
The Compass is looking for adults who can be mentors to the youth in community during their weekday youth drop-in times. Contact Todd Brigham at (907) 598-8633 if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
Other Talents
If you have a talent in a certain area (baking, mechanics, snow removal, etc.) and would like to bless the church, talk to Liz and we will get you plugged in.